• Study Programs

          • 4-year program


          4-year studying program at our school is a great choice for everyone who has yet to decide what career path they want to pursue in the future and it provides education in all sorts of fields. This program is the most popular among applicants for study at our school which is why it takes in more students than any other program every year.

          The first few months are mostly about getting to know your new classmates, teachers and the school campus. This might be a little bit stressful for some but fortunately our great teachers are there to help the new students to accommodate and settle into the unfamiliar environment. And before you even realise it, the school doesn´t feel like a new place to you anymore.

          After the first two years you gain general knowledge and should be able to decide on which subjects you want to focus more. Coming to the third grade you are expected to choose from the wide range of elective subjects. Our school counsellor is always there to help the indecisive students. In the last grade you are freed from many subjects that are no longer necessary for your further career which allows you to fully focus on upcoming Maturita and entrance exams. Thanks to competent teachers of our school students are perfectly prepared for their finals and that is why graduates from our school have one of the highest acceptance rates to universities not only in Slovakia, but abroad as well.

          Throughout the whole four years students of our school are given many opportunities to experience a number of exciting trips and interesting excursions. From all these the most remarkable are a ski trip, a one-week stay in a European country and not to forget to mention students´ favourite survival and rafting trip. Apart from honing your skills and learning some new information about historical places you will also make unforgettable memories of your time with friends.

          These are only a few of the many reasons why you should choose to study at Pierre de Coubertin gymnasium.

          Patrik Krajčík and Kristián Krajčík, senior students of the 4-year program


          • 5-year bilingual program


          The bilingual study is the most recent programme at our school. During this 5-year course students obtain not only general education but most importantly a C1 level certificate in the English language. Hence this programme is suitable especially for those, who are keen on learning foreign languages or want to study abroad.

          Several specialized English lessons are taught in the course of the programme, such as writing, conversation or literature of the English-speaking countries. What is more, subjects like geography, history and economics are also taught in English. This particularly helped me to enrich my academic vocabulary, as well as enhance my communication skills. Although the curriculum might seem overwhelming at first, our teachers always willingly help us. In addition to this, there is a wide array of other subjects (taught in Slovak) to choose from, psychology, economics or civics, to name a few. As a result, we are properly prepared not only for our school leaving “Maturita” exams but also for our further studies at universities of our choice.

          Throughout those 5 years we have been creating many pleasant memories together, at school or on school trips, and are proud to belong to the amazing community of our Pierre de Coubertin gymnasium.

          Ema Višňovská, senior student of the 5-year program


          • 8-year program


          The 8-year school program brings together top fifth grade students from nearby primary schools. The school is perfect for students, who want to improve in subjects, that they studied at their old primary school, but in a slightly faster tempo and different style. Students should not be forced to study at this school, it should be their personal feeling or an appreciation for learning and studying new things.

          In order to take part in the program, students have to pass an entrance exam, consisting of math and the Slovak language. The test is built of topics, that students studied at their primary school. Teachers are set up to demand more from students, to assign more challenging tasks and adopt the perfect learning pace.

          The school provides two gyms, including equipment for gymnastic, body building, ball games, floorball and many more. Chemical and biological curriculums should be much better learned in school’s laboratories. If you are leaning towards IT, do not worry, school also provides IT classes. All these choices would not be normally available at elementary schools.

          After 4 years of studying, students enter the second stage of the program, which is known as the “big”/real” gymnasium. At this point, students of the 8-year program are no longer the youngest kids at school but they reach the age of the students in other programs. All teachers are switched, in order to prevent “favourism” for certain students.

          In my eyes, the school is outstanding. I am working with people, who have similar view on studying. Techniques used to explain and learn are much better than in my old primary school and I am glad, that I chose Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina in Piešťany.

          Filip Sova, grade 4 student of the 8-year program

    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina
      • gypy@gypy.sk
      • admin@gypy.sk
      • admin@gypy.sk
      • Kontakt
        Meno školy: Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina, Námestie SNP 9, Piešťany
        Email školy: gypy@gypy.sk
        Email na správcu obsahu: admin@gypy.sk
        Email na webmastera: admin@gypy.sk
        Spojovateľka 033/ 79 893 11 
        Riaditeľ školy 033/79 893 33  (0911 718 667)
        Sekretariát 033/79893 12  (0903 902 911)
        Správca športovej haly 033/7989324
        Klapky (033/79893 + konkrétna klapka) 

        Pedagogický úsek 

        Riaditeľ školy 33  (0911 718 667)
        Štatutárna zástupkyňa školy 30  (0911 718 755)
        Zástupca školy 30
        Kabinet humanitných vied 35
        Kabinet biológie a chémie 44 
        Laboratórium biológie 41 
        Kabinet fyziky 45 
        Kabinet matematiky 36
        Kabinet spoločensko-vedný 43
        Kabinet slovenského jazyka 26 
        Kabinet cudzích jazykov 22 
        Kabinet anglického jazyka v hlavnej budove 25 
        Kabinet anglického jazyka v prístavbe 29 
        Kabinet telesnej výchovy 38 
        Kabinet informatiky 23 
        Výchovná a kariérová poradkyňa 32 

        Nepedagogický úsek 

        Ekonómka – 31 (0911 595 113)
        Mzdová účtovníčka –   51
        Správca IKT – 42  (0940 643 907)
        Knižnica - 46
        Školník -   20 (0911 566 411)
        Adresa školy: Námestie SNP 9, Piešťany, 92126
        IČO: 160318
        DIČ: 2020530688
      • Námestie SNP 9
        921 26 Piešťany
      • 00160318
      • 2020530688
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