• Knowledge Competitions and SPA

        • Knowledge Competitions


          Every year our students take part in prestigious knowledge and talent competitions in various academic subjects like Olympics in the Slovak, English, Russian, German and French languages, social studies – Olympics in Human Rights, and of course Olympics in sciences like biology, chemistry, physics and maths. Our previous year’s graduate, Martin Poturnay, enjoyed math so much, that he fought his way to the international round of Olympics in Mathematics held in Rio de Janeiro, where he won a bronze medal for our school.

          Other students of our school are often successful too and many times their quest continues to regional, national even international rounds. Let me name a few of the most successful contestants – Tomáš Bzdušek who won gold medals in the European Union Science Olympiad in Galway, Ireland and the 38th International Physics Olympiad in Ifsahan, Iran, Boris Fačkovec who won silver medals in the 38th International Chemistry Olympiad in Gyeongsan, Korea and the 39th International Chemistry Olympiad in Moscow, Russia, Lukáš Konečný who won a silver medal in the 5th European Union Science Olympiad in Potsdam, Germany and a bronze medal at the 40th International Chemistry Plympiad in Budapest, Hungary, Jozef Bucko who won a bronze medal in the International Physics Olympiad in Mumbai, India, and a team of seven students who won the 3rd place in the 20th International Young Physicists´ Tournament in the Republic of Korea.

          As a school named after the founder of the modern Olympic games, Pierre de Coubertin, we are proud to say that our students do very well in the Olympic knowledge contests organized by the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee.

          Apart from the Olympiads, there are other popular international contests in maths (Kangaroo) and informatics (iBobor) that our students regularly participate in as well as various competitions in foreign languages, whether they are contests in essay writing (organized by The Goi Peace Foundation in Japan), translating (Juvenes Translatores launched annually by the European Commission), story writing or reciting (Language Flower).

          And why do we participate in competitions? A simple question with a simple answer. Because we like it. We enjoy the preparation, when we learn so many new things, meet new people there and the dreamy feeling – winning. The feeling, when we gain a diploma, the feeling, that we represented our school well is amazing.

          By this post, I want to encourage you to try entering some competition (any, it doesn’t matter what kind it will be), give it all and you will be surprised. Definitely!

          Emma Kleinová, grade 3 student of the 4-year program




          Student Professional Activities


          Student Professional Activities (SPA) - in Slovakia SOČ is a contest focused on 17 scientific fields of study (natural, technical, and social sciences and humanities). You can choose one and write an essay on a specific problem that you will present later.

          SPA is a great way to learn something new and to find out more about your interests. You have the opportunity to develop your writing and presentation skills, to cooperate with experts and learn how to write scientific works, such as a bachelor thesis.  SPA is often taken into consideration by universities when accepting new students. You may gain valuable points or even get to the university without entrance exams!

          A few of our students take part every year and try to bring something new to fields of science. Due to their industry, interest and help of teachers or specialists, they are often successful, although it is not easy and requires a lot of effort and time. But nothing brutal!

          All in all, it is a great activity to do and you should give it a try!

          Soňa Ciklaminiová, junior student of the 4-year program



    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina
      • gypy@gypy.sk
      • admin@gypy.sk
      • admin@gypy.sk
      • Kontakt
        Meno školy: Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina, Námestie SNP 9, Piešťany
        Email školy: gypy@gypy.sk
        Email na správcu obsahu: admin@gypy.sk
        Email na webmastera: admin@gypy.sk
        Spojovateľka 033/ 79 893 11 
        Riaditeľ školy 033/79 893 33  (0911 718 667)
        Sekretariát 033/79893 12  (0903 902 911)
        Správca športovej haly 033/7989324
        Klapky (033/79893 + konkrétna klapka) 

        Pedagogický úsek 

        Riaditeľ školy 33  (0911 718 667)
        Štatutárna zástupkyňa školy 30  (0911 718 755)
        Zástupca školy 30
        Kabinet humanitných vied 35
        Kabinet biológie a chémie 44 
        Laboratórium biológie 41 
        Kabinet fyziky 45 
        Kabinet matematiky 36
        Kabinet spoločensko-vedný 43
        Kabinet slovenského jazyka 26 
        Kabinet cudzích jazykov 22 
        Kabinet anglického jazyka v hlavnej budove 25 
        Kabinet anglického jazyka v prístavbe 29 
        Kabinet telesnej výchovy 38 
        Kabinet informatiky 23 
        Výchovná a kariérová poradkyňa 32 

        Nepedagogický úsek 

        Ekonómka – 31 (0911 595 113)
        Mzdová účtovníčka –   51
        Správca IKT – 42  (0940 643 907)
        Knižnica - 46
        Školník -   20 (0911 566 411)
        Adresa školy: Námestie SNP 9, Piešťany, 92126
        IČO: 160318
        DIČ: 2020530688
      • Námestie SNP 9
        921 26 Piešťany
      • 00160318
      • 2020530688
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