• Sporting Events

        • Ski Course 


          Lessons sometimes get quite tiring. Hard work and long hours of studying are nobody's go-to. Luckily, our school offers plenty of relaxing activities, of which I enjoyed the ski training course the most.

          This week-long activity mainly teaches students to ski or develops the skills they already have. Under the watchful eye of our experienced PE teachers, everyone gets a grasp of it. Naturally, students' skills are not on the same level. That's why we get divided into 4 groups ranging from complete beginners to seasoned skiers. Don't worry, you always have the option of switching to another group if you feel like it. However, safety should always come first. Falling into fresh powder snow is fun, but it can also be dangerous.  Fear not, a doctor is with us on the slopes, ready for action.

          Also, the course helps freshmen get to know each other better. It is not only about skiing, but also friendship. Personally, I enjoyed the evenings spent playing board games or just chatting. Mountains seem like the perfect place to get to know your mates outside the school walls. Surrounded by the beautiful nature of Ski resort Jasná in Low Tatras, everyone seemed to be somewhat kinder. Sharing rooms, dining, and skiing with friends were an inseparable part of the great experience.

          Finally, I can only recommend attending. Everybody enjoyed this course, making it hard to find any reservations. The only thing that we all grew tired of was the cold. :)

          Benjamín Horosz, grade 3 student of the 5-year program

    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina
      • gypy@gypy.sk
      • admin@gypy.sk
      • admin@gypy.sk
      • Kontakt
        Meno školy: Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina, Námestie SNP 9, Piešťany
        Email školy: gypy@gypy.sk
        Email na správcu obsahu: admin@gypy.sk
        Email na webmastera: admin@gypy.sk
        Spojovateľka 033/ 79 893 11 
        Riaditeľ školy 033/79 893 33  (0911 718 667)
        Sekretariát 033/79893 12  (0903 902 911)
        Správca športovej haly 033/7989324
        Klapky (033/79893 + konkrétna klapka) 

        Pedagogický úsek 

        Riaditeľ školy 33  (0911 718 667)
        Štatutárna zástupkyňa školy 30  (0911 718 755)
        Zástupca školy 30
        Kabinet humanitných vied 35
        Kabinet biológie a chémie 44 
        Laboratórium biológie 41 
        Kabinet fyziky 45 
        Kabinet matematiky 36
        Kabinet spoločensko-vedný 43
        Kabinet slovenského jazyka 26 
        Kabinet cudzích jazykov 22 
        Kabinet anglického jazyka v hlavnej budove 25 
        Kabinet anglického jazyka v prístavbe 29 
        Kabinet telesnej výchovy 38 
        Kabinet informatiky 23 
        Výchovná a kariérová poradkyňa 32 

        Nepedagogický úsek 

        Ekonómka – 31 (0911 595 113)
        Mzdová účtovníčka –   51
        Správca IKT – 42  (0940 643 907)
        Knižnica - 46
        Školník -   20 (0911 566 411)
        Adresa školy: Námestie SNP 9, Piešťany, 92126
        IČO: 160318
        DIČ: 2020530688
      • Námestie SNP 9
        921 26 Piešťany
      • 00160318
      • 2020530688
    • Prihlásenie